Version Control Basics Git
How to Use Source Code Control
Source code control systems (also known as Version Control Systems) let you manage projects effectively. They're very useful for one person and essential for a group. They track all changes in different versions so that no code is ever lost and meaning can be assigned to changes. One can create throw-away and debugging code with confidence with a source code control system, since the code you modify is kept carefully separate from committed, official code that will be shared with the team or released.
I was late to appreciate the benefits of source code control systems but now I wouldn't live without one even on a one-person project. Generally they are necessary when you have team working on the same code base. However, they have another great advantage: they encourage thinking about the code as a growing, organic system. Since each change is marked as a new revision with a new name or number, one begins to think of the software as a visibly progressive series of improvements. I think this is especially useful for beginners.
A good technique for using a source code control system is to stay within a few days of being up-to-date at all time. Code that can't be finished in a few days is checked in, but in a way that it is inactive and will not be called, and therefore not create any problems for anybody else. Committing a mistake that slows down your team-mates is a serious error; it is often taboo.
Git is a must-know for every aspiring software developer because it helps you to manage your files as well as allow you to work on a project with other people. This lesson will get you started on how to use it. No matter how experienced you are, you will never stop discovering new things you can do with Git.
π‘ For this tutorial, we will be focusing on using Git from the command line. The rationale for this is so that you are able to use Git on external servers or even other people's computer.
Before we get started on using Git, let us define certain keywords so that we are on the same page. Click the link below to get started.
Video 1: Very short intro to why we use Git
Video 2: Brief overview of what you can do with Git
[Optional] Video 3: Find out more about Git's features
Initialise Git Repository
To turn a folder into a Git repository, navigate into the desired folder from the command line then enter the command $ git init
. This creates a hidden .git
directory at the current directory. The current directory will also be the root of this repository.
Clone Git Repository
More often than initialising Git repos from your own computer, you will probably be cloning Git repositories from GitHub.
To do so, click the green "Clone" button and copy the link shown under the HTTPS tab to clipboard.
Then, navigate to the directory where you want to save the project folder and enter the command git clone <link_you_copied>
Voila, a clone of the remote repository is now saved on your local machine.
GitHub Authentication
Keying in your password every time you push and pull is tough. Fortunately, there is a solution to that. Follow the guide in the link below. Using it is left as an exercise for the reader. Learning to comprehend and follows guides are an essential developer skill!
Save and Undo Changes
Do read up on the terminology if you have not yet done so. From this point forward, I will assume that you are equipped with the necessary vocabulary.
Video 2 above also demonstrates the basics on how to perform these tasks.
Checking Status
A command you will use a lot is $ git status
It informs you of the branch you are on, as well as which files are staged and which are not. Git is smart in that only files that have been changed from the last commit will show up here. For example, let's say you created a file called HelloWorld.txt
in the root of the repo.
Running $ git status
will should give you something like this:
The first step to take is to stage the desired files to be committed. You can do so using the command $ git add <insert_files_or_directory>
. Take note that the files or directory argument provided is relative to the directory that you are currently in so make sure you are in the correct directory.
Most of the time, you might be using this command:
What the full stop represents is the current directory. Therefore, this can also be translated as "Add/Stage all files and folders in the current directory". You should be running this command in the root directory of the repository.
Continued from the previous example, checking $ git status
after running $ git add .
or $git add HelloWorld.txt
should produce the following output:
After you have made enough changes and you want to save a checkpoint, it is time to commit.
Make sure that you have staged all the files that you want to commit beforehand.
Then, use this command to commit the changes:
Following our previous example, committing should look something like this:
After that if you check the status, you should see something like this:
If you accidentally typed $ git commit
without the -m
flag, you might be taken into Vim to enter your commit message. Good luck getting out of Vim βΊοΈ Google is your friend.
π‘ Make sure your commit message is descriptive so that other people can understand what your commit contains without looking at the code. Avoid using any tense such as "Created" or "Creates".
Maybe you ran $ git add .
and you realise you accidentally staged some files that you did not intend to. Maybe you changed your mind regarding whether to commit changes from a certain file.
If you want to unstage ALL files, enter:
If you want to unstage a specific file or directory, use the command:
Assuming you have not yet committed, checking $ git status
after unstaging with $ git reset -- HelloWorld.txt
should give you the same output as before you staged the file.
If there are certain files that you do not want Git to track, such as files that contain sensitive info or temporary files, add them to the .gitignore
file located at the root of the repository.
Suppose there is a folder in the root called "data" and you want to ignore a file called "useless.txt" in that folder. Add the following line into your .gitignore
file and git will know to no longer track it.
β οΈ Don't forget to commit the changes in `.gitignore`!
Create and Merge Branches
Creating a Branch
There are multiple ways to create a new branch from the current branch.
The method I am used to is:
This command creates a new branch called then switches to it.
For example, you will see this when creating a new branch
Then, you can switch between branches using this command:
Merging Branches
When merging, take note of two things:
The branch you are merging FROM
The branch you are merging TO (branch that will take in the changes)
Branch 2 will be the final branch that will contain changes from both branches so make sure you are merging in the correct direction.
First, checkout to branch 2 which is the branch you are merging to.
Next, use $ git merge
to merge the two branches.
That's it! Unfortunately, sometimes things are not that simple...
Resolving Merge Conflicts
When two different branches make changes to the same line of code, there will be a merge conflict. In this scenario, Git cannot tell which one you want to keep, or if you want to keep a combination of both. Therefore, you will have to manually resolve this conflict in your text editor.
If you check the status at this point, you should see something like this:
From here, you can identify the files where there are conflicts and proceed to resolve them.
If you open the file with conflicts, you should see new lines being added by Git:
This happens when that line was changed by both branches, then Git does not know which change to keep.
To fix this, edit that segment to whatever you want to keep. Suppose you want to keep both lines, you should have something like this at the end:
π¨ Take note to remove the lines that have <<<<<, =====, and >>>>>
Run $ git status
to ensure that all merge conflicts have been resolved.
Then, make a new commit for these edits to finalise the merge.
π¨ Make sure to test your code before committing! If you miss out any merge conflicts, you will likely break the entire code base.
Pushing, Pulling and Pull Requests
Basic Push and Pull
You have committed to a branch on your local machine. Now you want to push it to GitHub. Make sure you are on the correct branch that you want to push, then enter the command:
Similarly, if there are commits on the same branch in the origin that you have yet to download on your own machine, enter the command:
Resolve any merge conflicts that might occur when merging between the your local branch and the branch in the origin.
However, what if the branch you want to push only exists only on your local machine? This happens when you created the branch using $ git checkout -b
taught earlier. The GitHub repository is unaware that such a branch exists yet. All you have to do is provide more arguments to the command like so:
This will create a branch in GitHub called <branchname>
and you will push all your changes in your current branch to that branch. Git will also remember that these 2 branches are connected and in the future you can simply $ git push
or $ git pull
There is no better way to learn than to try it yourself. Here is a useful website.
Memorising long commands sometimes can really be a pain. Luckily, we can define short forms for Git using aliases.
For example, you can shorten commit -m
to cm
by running this command:
After that, you can type git cm
instead of git commit -m
when making a new commit.
If you are interested in finding out more ways you can save time using git aliases, here is an interesting article.
8 Git aliases that make me more efficient
Advance your Git Knowledge
Note: even in professional setting, you most likely wont need to use certain concepts. Depends on your team.
Last updated
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