Boxes and Arrows
An informal diagram style that uses boxes and arrows to represent relationships. Contrasts with formal methodologies like UML.
The main limitation that restricts the performance of a system.
Buy vs Build
A choice between purchasing software or creating it from scratch.
Communication Languages
Languages designed primarily for standardization rather than execution.
A group of people organized to make money.
Divide and Conquer
A problem-solving technique that breaks a problem down into smaller, more manageable parts.
The initiator of projects.
Memory that's occupied by objects that aren't needed anymore.
Garbage Collector
A system that recycles garbage memory.
Heap Allocated
Memory that's freed using a complicated mechanism.
Hitting the Wall
When a system runs out of a particular resource, resulting in performance degrading sharply.
Information Hiding
A design principle that seeks to minimize the amount of information exposed in an interface.
Lingua Franca
A language that's so widely used that it's a de facto standard.
Writing a program so that it generates a configurable output log describing its execution.
Low-Hanging Fruit
Easy improvements that yield big results.
Master Node
The node at which a unique piece of information that serves as the official definition of cached data is stored.
Memory Leak
The accumulation of references to objects that prevents garbage collection and increases memory demands over time.
Mere Work
Work that requires little creativity and entails little risk. Can be estimated easily.
Object-Oriented Programming
A programming style that emphasizes the management of state within objects.
The temporary insertion of statements into a program to output information for debugging purposes.
Speculative Programming
Producing a feature before its usefulness is confirmed.
A document used to start a technical discussion that may lead to other documents like stickman, tinman, woodman, ironman, etc.
Wall Clock
Actual time as measured by a clock on a wall, as opposed to CPU time.
An informative document used to explain or sell a product or idea to a non-technical audience.
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