Official site:
Start with a code editor like Sublime Text, then maybe move on to IDE like PyCharm or PyDev for more complex projects.
Treehouse – Python Basics course
Udacity – Intro to Computer Science
Codeacademy – Python
Free Interactive Tutorial
Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science
Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner
Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist (Read online for free here)
Learn Python The Hard Way (Free)
For Web Development
If you want to create websites using Python, try Flask, a beginner-friendly Python web framework:
Official Flask’s Documentation: Very well-written and complete documentation
Then, you should probably move on to Django, the most popular and widely-used Python web framework:
Tutorial: How to Tango with Django: A Python Django Tutorial (free)
Book: Test-Drive Development with Python (Read online for free here)
Last updated
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